Chakra Balancing
What are Chakras?
Chakras are energy systems throughout your body that control physical, psychological, and spiritual functions. The word itself is derived from the Sanskrit cakra, meaning “wheel,” alluding to the vortex of swirling energy that resides in each chakra’s location and governs your physical body and psychological & physiological aspect.
There are seven major chakras (114 chakras total) that run along your spine, starting at the base of your spine and extend all the way to the crown of your head:
Root Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Heart Chakra
Throat Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Crown Chakra
How do Blocked Chakras Affect Your Health?
How is the Session Conducted?
Benefits of Chakra Balance
Chakra balancing is a form of energy healing that focuses on channeling energy into the seven chakras and treating your energetic body while finding balance within your body and mind.
- Greater and faster ability to heal your mental, physical, spiritual and emotional issues.
- Increased stamina, relaxation, decreased stress, headaches
- Increased openness, clarity, memory, concentration and awareness.
- Positive outlook in terms of understanding, perception of behaviors and thought process.
- Release of stuck emotions, setting better boundaries, decreased anxiety, and depression
- Heightened creativity and better resourcefulness because of better perception.
- Sense of self-worth, self-esteem and self- confidence.
- Improved and deeper sleep, better control over your emotions and improved patience.
Not sure if you’re ready? Wondering when to start? The best time to start is now!
Maybe you’ve tried to balance your chakras yourself and realized it’s easier said than done or you’re a beginner who doesn’t know where to start or aren’t interested in learning about chakra balancing, meditations, crystals, Reiki, Sound Healing but know there are benefits and want to make it part of your self-care routine.
Wherever you are in your chakra journey – I’m here for you! All you have to do to get started is click below and schedule a session.
Book a Session
Unlike a traditional Chakra Balance Session, this session combines hands on Reiki, guided meditation, crystal healing, and a short sound healing.
We begin with a small supportive conversation to set the tone for the rest of the session.
You will lie on your back and journey through a powerful guided meditation that will deeply relax your body and ground your energy into a meditative state.
Tools such as sage, palo santo, essential oils and crystals will be used to further enhance the experience.
Following the meditation, you will receive hands on Reiki and a short sound healing bath to help you release stubborn blocks.
Combining the power of Reiki and Sound healing allows aligning, balancing and cleansing your chakras and auric layers, and releasing deep traumas. Throughout the healing, sacred healing symbols will be used for additional support.
Once the energy healing concludes, you will be gently guided back from your meditative state. It is important to note that no intuitive messages or oracle card will be shared during this session; it is purely focused on energy healing, clearing and balancing.