Meet Amrita

Heal your Mind, Body, and Soul

Amrita Pandya Banga

About Me

All my life I have considered myself spiritual and have known that I am an old soul born in this new body. My journey began subconsciously in 2010 but consciously in June 2020, when I was awoken. Since then, my life has not been the same!

My Journey

My very first experience that I can remember was in 2010 when I had a “dream” about canceling the venue we had booked for our wedding. The very next day, I received a phone call and I needed to cancel the wedding hall we had booked. Soon thereafter, I lost my apartment to a fire and foresaw multiple events that would unfold over the next few weeks, all of which came true! And slowly, I started recognizing a pattern that things that I was seeing and hearing in my dreams, strong deja-vu’s I was getting, strong gut feelings I was experiencing that I could not explain logically but had significant meaning in my life, weren’t just random coincidences, but a bigger calling that I yet didn’t understand. Inder (my husband) always joked and called me an intuitive psychic medium who gets premonitions, but for the longest time, I ignored what I knew at a deeper level and chalked them up to but random coincidences because I wasn’t ready to accept who I truly was.

Awakening ~ Spiritual Seeker

On 14 June 2020, I woke up in the morning and knew something I was no longer the person who went to sleep the night before. Something had shifted in me overnight. I was a different person, and I could no longer ignore what I had known all along: I am an old soul in this new body experiencing this life, and my Dharma was to help mother earth, assist others in their journey of healing and self-discovery, and hold safe space for whoever needed healing. I asked the universe to give me a tangible sign that could not be misinterpreted, and boy oh boy…it was like floodgates opened up.

I started seeing signs everywhere in forms of spiritual animals, angel numbers, dreams, and physical sensations. I knew I was finally awake and was on the right path. I became a “spiritual seeker.” I right away changed my lifestyle, stopped drinking, started eating clean vegetarian food, started meditating every day, started working with crystal energy, and giving myself sound baths with my Crystal & Tibetan Chakra Signing Bowls, Rain Stick, Ocean Drum, and Koshi chimes. I also started seeking spiritual learning, decided to join “A Journey through Bhagavad Gita” class (not for religious purposes, but for spiritual answers), learnt about Inner Engineering to start changing and healing from within, and took started learning SKYY Breathing to enhance my meditation practice.

New Path

In December 2020, I received my very first Reiki from a good friend and gifted healer Sonam Sondhi. I remember feeling intense energy radiating throughout my body and I felt profound peace. In that moment, I knew Reiki & Sound Healing was my path. The very next week I got my Reiki 1 attunement from my powerful and dear mentor Jalpa Dhaduk. I started using Reiki energy for my physical, mental, emotional, and soul healing. In March 2021, I got my Reiki 2 attunement from my amazing Shamanic teacher Asha Surti and in February 2022, I finally received my Reiki Master and Reiki Master Teacher (RMT) Attunement. I also became a Certified Meditation Teacher, Gong Master, Sound Healer, & Sacred Ceremonies Facilitator.

As you can see, it has been a recent but very intense journey. All I know is, I am an open and receptive channel to this universal energy and my Dharma is to assist others in their life path, soul healing, and overall well-being. ❤️

The Light In Me Honors The Light In You

Certified in Reiki, Sound Healing and Meditation